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How To Make A Calming Zone At Home

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A designated relaxing retreat area at home has become a new trend

Cervone, Deegan + Associates knows that the way we view our homes has slightly changed over the past year. These days everyone is looking for key things like more space, a place for working at home, maybe a home gym and now even a space dedicated to meditation or relaxation. This could be a corner of a guest room or even a shed of some sort in the backyard. Here are some great ideas for how you can make your own calming zone like this within your home.

Identify the location

First, you must find the perfect spot in your home for this relaxation retreat. While the space does not need to be too big, you should definitely search for something that offers some form of privacy. This could be done by sectioning off a part of a guest or spare room or finding a spot that is mostly unused in or outside your home.

Keep it simple and easy

You will want a space that offers comfort where you can sit or lie, but don’t crowd it with anything else. Keep it minimalistic with a cozy chair and some pillows is a good place to start. Then keep it tidy and free of distractions like any harsh colors, mirrors and even family photos.

Appeal to all of the senses

It is all about pleasing elements that make you feel both happy and relaxed. Warm or soft lighting for what you see, soothing music or white noise like rain for what you hear and maybe some scented candles for what you can smell. Pillows or throw blankets that are soft to the touch can also be great.

Leverage nature

If a semi outdoor location is an option that can be ideal as you can connect with nature. If not, you can bring the outdoors inside. Alternatively a room with a large window with a view to the garden or even having many plants around can create a more natural and calming atmosphere.

Add calming details

Other than these elements that make the room perfect for meditation, consider some personal touches that take it one step further. It may be that you make the room feel more like a spa if that makes you feel the most relaxed. If your home has a view of a nearby park that you like then you set up your room where you can view that the best. Whatever elements that speak to you personally that are calming should be added into your design.

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